Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Get Caught In The Act

Hi everyone! I never would have imagined that I’d think of anything to share with others, much less something they’d want to actually read! However, as I’ve come to realize from this wonderful group of women (and men), sharing a little piece of your life based on our mutual love of lockdom has been stimulating. Even though I’ve had my SLs for more than 6 years now, I’ve learned so much from reading others’ blogs and I’ve had useful information that helped someone else along their journey. Thanks, Maryee, for putting this all in one place!


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lovin' My Locks, Sisterlocks That Is...

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog as I go through my hair journey with Sisterlocks. This journey is my personal expression of my hair and how my hair has or will evolve over time. Thanks for stopping by, set a spell, leave a comment if you plez. Yall, come back now, hear.


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Be Inspired!! Part 2

I haven't seen Thierry Baptiste's website in a while. I think it was about a year or so ago. Please visit the website. You will be pleased!

Be Inspired!!!

Silky Locs to make your mouth water!!! Styles for men as well!! Check out some creative bridal styles. They are out of the UK. Boy does Locs for Life know how to do it! Enjoy!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ritagirl's Braidlocs

Formerly 2stressed_but_blessed. I'm dealing with things differently in my life...
After years of chemical straighteners, the dreaded curl, more straighteners, then making the decision to go natural... only to lose it all in 2004 to chemo. Once it grew back I started the braidlocs in March 2006, let's watch & see where this journey takes me!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

guess who's comin' to dinner........

blessins, and i'd like to thank maryee for kindly inviting me to join this site. it's a sincere pleasure. i have to be honest tho, as i wonder aloud if she's doing so just to get some more "male presence" here. i was looking at all the lovely sistas already participating, but still wondering where are the other brothas? *laffs* just kidding, of course!

but seriously, those of u who are already familiar with me know that i'm pretty "old school", in that my experiences with dreadlocks and their maintenance are limited to what was going on 15 years ago or more, and i like to keep it very simple. i was hesitant to participate here initially because i know some of my views might run counter to those of others on this site, and i don't want to ruffle any feathers or make anyone feel like i'm disrespecting them. but having been invited again to be a member here, i have decided that tho there is a wealth of information on many ways to initiate and cultivate locks, my blog will offer insight into the "older ways" to grow them. maryee speaks on wanting participants only who will have no "negative vybes", and i agree with that whole-heartedly, and it's my wish that none of my posts will come off as such. just please keep in mind 2 things when reading my blog: 1) i'm a MALE and we tend to be wired a bit differently than the fairer-sex, and 2) i'm an OLD DREAD, set in his OLD WAYS. *laffs* i know that my thoughts and words won't be apt for everyone, but i'm hoping i can learn from being here, and someone can also learn from my presence too.

anyway, thanks again for welcoming me here, and peace an' blessins to u all, guidance everytime.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

KRB Natural Hair's Blog

I have been Sisterlocked for3 years and I love my locs. I wish I had found Sisterlocks years ago. I decided to learn to do Sisterlocks after I had mine installed because there weren't that many people in my area that were certified. I am working on my way to become certified and am trying to spread the Sisterlock love...
