Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I was so happy to run acrosss the blog exchange. I am honored to have joined the Sisterlock sisterhood on August 18,19, 2007. I found a wonderful consultant in Tucker, GA--Cia of KinkyAwakenings. So very excited to be starting this journey. Please stop by my blog and share the experience with me. Peace. http://WWW.PAYLAR.BLOGSPOT.COM

Monday, July 30, 2007

Locked since 11-2-06 & still counting!

hey!!! i'm part of so many different groups, i told myself i wouldn't join any more (only bcz i would start to forget passwords and such). but i've seen this L.H.B.E all over the place, i couldn't resist. i want to get in contact with other naturals and loc'ers & plus, this community is ever growing & i want to be a part of every minute of it.

i have three accounts (links at the bottom) that ch
ronicle my journey with locks, started on 11/02/2006. my first intention was to get sisterlocks, but due to the money issue & the fact that micro locks weren't for me, i opted for traditional locks. although i did go to the salon to get them started (with two strand twist), i maintain them myself mostly with the latchhook, and i periodically treat myself to the salon for a fresh palm roll. they are all different sizes & lengths & I love every minute of it (being natural in general) & at no time can i EVER see myself rockin a perm again in my life. i am a 19 year old girl and just like mentioned in her blog, i hope that i can be an inspiration to any other young black women to not let society judge them or label them & to not be afraid to step out & be different.

ok i'm tired of typing now, so please, just stop by my spot & show me love!

Baby Stages
Premature Teens
Mature Teens


Been Gone for a Minute now Im Back!!!! its been almost 3 years with my lovely sisterlocks!!!! Im 19 now, and a New Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated!!!! Ready to get share with the world this wonderful journey I've been on since July 12, 2007!!!!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

January Hair Photos (its' getting bigger)

It has been a few months since I have posted pictures, I think as of this date I have been locked for 19 months. I am still enjoying my journey, my life has changed so dramatically since bringing my mother home. I haven't stopped to show my hair which still sometimes unravels..but I love it more everyday. thanks for stopping by.

Change has been very difficult for me through out my life until now. I love my sisterlocks....so much so that I want as many woman as I can influence to let go of the notion that it has to be permed in order to be pretty. Each stage has been beautiful to me, perhaps its just because I love me more now then I ever have. Please visit my blog at: http://www.teen1937.blogspot.com


Friday, July 20, 2007

Locked Freedom

Greetings!!! I am excited to be able to share my experiences with everyone. I have been wearing my hair chemical free since May 2001. My husband(then boyfriend) did the honors of cutting my hair. I had my first set of Sisterlocks installed October 2006. I removed them and had the second set installed May 4th 2007. Everyone on the Exchange has been such and inspiration. Hopefully, my experiences will be helpful to others that are looking for encouragement and support.

Please visit my blog at: http://sisterlocksjourneys.blogspot.com/

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Aya Life With Locs

I am just someone who would like to share my natural hair journey with you. I hope I will get to chat with many of you. Also, I hope to encourage those who are considering switching to a natural hair lifestyle,and to support and encourage those who already have. Please visit my blog at: http://www.ayalifewithlocs.blogspot.com


Fabulous and Free

Hi, I'm S0utherngirl.I've always admired locks of all types and even began the process of going natural a couple of times in the past. My Sisterlocks were installed on May 24th 2007 and I made the decision to switch to DIY using the Nappylock tool soon after. As cliche as it sounds, my only regret is not locking sooner.

Keep it kinky!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

My transition from traditional locks to Sisterlocks

Hi Everyone,

I must say it is wonderful reading all the Sisterlocks® material. I'm getting my hair re-tightened, and I'm looking forward to the results. I didn't realize how time consuming blogging can be until I noticed that I was at my computer for hours and it didn't phase me. If only it was that easy when I was studying for a test. :0) I got excited looking at all the styles that I will eventually be able to put my hair in, once it grows. Right now it's really short, but it's growing quickly and I like the manageability of it because it is extremely low maintenance. Okay, I'm going to end for now. Stop by my blog when you get a chance and take a look at my journey. To all my brothers and sisters the SL movement continues!!!!!!!!! http://reelgirl77.blogspot.com/

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I am so excited to be invited to join the Locked Hair Blog Exchange!

I live in the Metro Detroit area and I’ve been locked since Valentine’s Day 2006. I have an awesome loctician, her name is Paulette of Locks4Life. I didn’t discover all of these great SisterLocks blogs until after I was locked, but I’ve been tuned-in ever since! The “veteran SisterLocks bloggers” have motivated me to share my story, which I hope you will find helpful and enjoyable. I will be chronicling my natural hair journey through photos and brief posts. Please come by and check me out at: http://chocolocs.blogspot.com. Leave a comment. (I’m new to blogging, so be patient!)


Friday, July 06, 2007

lovin' my locks more and more every day

i guess you could say i was never really comfortable with my processed hair. i hated the smell of the relaxer and i wondered how something that was as thick as my hair could turn into something so thin after just minutes with a relaxer.

luckily, i came to my senses when i graduated from college and moved to california for a fresh start. and i really saw the light when i stopped hiding under braid and twist extensions a few years later. i loved my 'fro, but i had always admired locs and even considered loc extensions in the past. but i didn't know the first thing about maintaining or even starting them, since i didn't know anyone with natural hair (let alone locs!).

and then i discovered Nappturality.com. and after a few years of perusing the loc forum and various fotki albums, i decided to start my locs in january 2007. i had read so many posts saying that you just know when you're ready - and that was definitely the case with me. though i love locs of all shapes and sizes, i went with sisterlocks. i think that no matter what kind of hair/hairstyle you have, everyone experiences bad hair days. but i have to say that since i've had locs, mine have been few and far between. i've gotten nothing but positive feedback, but more importantly, i'm completely happy with my decision to loc.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

New Life, New Hair

In January of 2006, I moved from Los Angeles to a suburb of Phoenix in Arizona. With my move, came a new job, a new house and community, new friends, and a whole new outlook. I decided, why not change my hair too? On June 10, 2006, I took the plunge and had my Sisterlocks installed. My only regret is that I didn't do it years ago. I am so lovin' my locks in ways that I never thought I would.

You can see my evolution at www.fotki.com/kalynnatk.

Ready or Loc. . .

Here I come. I started with two strand twists in February 2007. I'm notorious for using the "figure it out" method, which has been the process for my hair. I maintain with a mix of latch hooking method and twisting, just depends on what I'm feeling like. That's pretty much how I approach my hair: I do what I feel like.

I'm working on my PhD in American Culture Studies at Bowling Green State University. I'm a self proclaimed craft gangsta, and between whining about the cold, bragging about my home state of NC, I joined the blogosphere.

I'm a recovering hair product junkie. All other body care product are still free game! I like to make up words. Pop culture is my joy and probably will be at the center of my career. I give my intelligently quirky, corny, and sometimes snarky take on most things hair, somethings culture, and all things hair culture.

Back to Basics

I have been Sisterlocked since August 11, 2005. I have loved every moment of this journey. My daughter, age 11, just joined the Sisterlock family on May 26, 2007. She is absolutely glowing and loving her new locks.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Busingye's Journey is 1 Fantastic Voyage

Hi there, I'm Jos. I am on this Life Journey and I am enjoying my Crowning Glory of Sisterlocks immensely. My Sisterlock journey began May 25-27, 2006. Each day has been "good" and blessed. I have not had 1 "bad hair day" since this voyage began.
I have small Sisterlocks all over, and I have so many different textures of hair on my head -- from soft, curly & fine to coarse, wiry and medium thick. I love sporting the rod curled curly styles. That is -- until my FreeSpirit can FreeStyle.
You can also visit my FOTKI @ http://public.fotki.com/QueenNandi

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Offering Specials for New Sisterlock Installations(South Florida)

Hello Sisterlock Family,

I am a Sisterlock Trainee located in South Florida and I am offering a special on new installations booked in the month of July and August in exchange for Certification. I am available to travel to you! I am also available for retightenings. Please contact me if you are interested.

call 954-675-5818 or
email: lashaunej@yahoo. com

Peace and Blessings

Look how short my sisterlocks were when I first started way back in 2005. I have come a loooong way Baby! Please visit my blog at: http://sisterlock-journey.blogspot.com/

This is dreadslocs - RIP

Greetings all,

First I would like to thank Dreadlocs for his love for his freeform locs.

Secondly, he was a proud member of the community of folk who carry dreads/locs.

His own journey started 5/15/05. His journey carried him far from his initial vision of where his locs grew to. His initial vision and plan was to have the "perfect" set of manicured locs. And to that end,  he almost drove himself crazy. :-) His first 6 months was spent twisting obsessively, one braidloc session and one latch session at a time.

When he found himself waking in the middle of the night twisting he was forced to pray for relief. His answer came in the form of advice given to him by folk he referred to as his freeform mentors, Tai of this forum being one of them.  Dreadlocs journey was one of "letting go." He washed and condition/moisturized with all natural products whenever he wished. He often went for months at a time without what some referred to as "poppin his dreads" and loved the freedom he was gifted with!  It was quite a feeling to believe his Creators vision of his hair was much more profound than his own...

peace an blessins, Dreadslocs... Your fotki loc family will always remember you for your wonderful photo sketches, encouraging comments in our photo albums and sharing your journey with hundreds of us in the community.  May you continually rest in peace.

TRIFLEmc (The MC's MC) Start date: May 07, 2005 (5/7/05)

Tai, I've ran across your other album. Refreshing to see another brother in these parts. In my case (the short version) I was born to Trinidadian parents in 1980 in Queens, NY, specifically in the area of Jamaica. Jamaica gets a bad rep for crime and drugs, but truly it was and is still the most affluent black section in NYC and the Queens is the only city where "minority" salaries are routinely higher than that of "whites". There-in began my pride. To grow up around doctors and lawyers, even while the husslers ran around doing their ignorant things. I was blessed to grow up on town from Q-tip and Phife and Jarobi. They would come over to Pop and Kim (a famous "40" and arcade spot) and would jus hang. I mean you really felt good to have these guys around, in addition to Run-DMC, LL, and Salt & Peppa, who could all be seen at the Green Acres Mall. Jamaica by coincidence always held a high West Indian population, as far back as the late 50-60's they tell me. Dreads were in abundance, and a friend of mine in particular, Jalani had the longest dreads and we were only like 7. We went to Tae Kwon Do together and he would wrap and wrap his head, like a lil professional dred LOL.
I've been rappin since i was seven , in '87, and i just turned 27 last week. For me, its so sad that my fellow 27 yr olds only seem to know Biggie and down, or don't care. I'm the youngest old schooler you know. It pains me, while i remember beggin my older bro, who had 9 yrs over me, to buy me my 1st Black Medallion. the JB's were hot at this point (Jungle Brothers to lamens) and we would talk my moms Bead curtain and make the neck beads.

I began my locs with all this in mind. I'd wanted them in JHS but my mom, an old school Trini, despised them, said they were for the Rastas or the weed smokers. I wanted braids to. I loved things that lent to my heritage, even if it didnt mean i was actually connecting to anything. It was just for me.I 1st went to school with "non-blacks" in HS. Yeah it took me 14 yrs to see more than the 1 white student we had in the whole town, a girl named Kelly.
They would say shyt slick too like "go back to the projects", mind you Jamaica is 90% private homes. I would laugh at them and/or fight. I digress
When i was old enough to not be told what to do, lets say 21 LOL hey i'm West indian, i had my then girl braid my lil fro. Over the next 3 yrs I'd dealt with the A.I jokes @ work, the Hey you look like a rapper (When i was comin up ppl always said i DIDNT look like a rapper, until they heard me killin' it) but i still would feel shame in having braids for some reason. It's silly perhaps.In May of '05, after the voices of locdom had already been calling me since the previous year, i made the switch. I remember coming into my corporate job, and having my head held so high. I walked right into a meeting with ALL the big wigs. I saw my co-worker, the mis-understood sister with the ceasar, actually nod at me on the low, after not really speaking to me in the previous year. It felt so free, so unlike the restriction of braids. Its like a reflection of my mental at the time. One free, one trapped. This is way before i thought to move to the Dominican Republic.
Its funny, a sister here wrote that less guys would approach her, and i think that less woman who i approached were enthused to meet me after the switch, but it didnt matter. I was here.
I had went to DR earlier that year just on vacation and with my cornrows. So many women loved the hair (braids were JUST gettin very popular there). I moved back in Nov with my locs and it went to all but zero. They couldn't understand. They would ask why i want my hair to stay dirty. I would ask "dirty?", they would say that since a comb cant pass through it has to be full of dirt. I would then tell them to take off their clothes because you cant come those either but you dang sure feel like your clothes are cleaner than you after a good washing. That would shut them up LOL
To be sure, i have what is considered manicured locs, but i don't like to see my scalp, i just like them to not join together and i like uniformity and symmetry, blame the artist in me. Also blame the fact that my mom still isn't locs' biggest fan, but i keep it so neat that she finally lost her stereotypes, in fact for the last year, on my suggestion, she has her hair in single twists (the type that can form locs) and she keeps them in until the day to get them redone. My style now is a freeform hybrid. 2 or so months not twisting- just wash, then i do it myself, and let the 2 months come again.
So in a nutshell my reasons for WHY were that i needed my hair to "grow out in all directions" like my thoughts were. Something that i didn't worry about. My braids had me way to vain about fresh lookin hair and parts, etc. My locs made me confront my vanities. Unlike a female who can go to work with head wrapped up, if my locs were wild and i had to go to work, I just had to go!! Once i noticed people lookin at me, i began to have this other pride like "YES! LOOK at me" Deal with what comes naturally from me. That natural hair rooted in Africa that, left alone, will loc to its hearts content.