Friday, December 28, 2007

Starting Out

Greetings!! My name is PureHappyness. I've read so many of your posts and looked at your loc timelines and I am in complete awe! A dear friend (also loc'd) started my babies on 12-23-07 (henceforth known as my locversary) with coils. I am so excited about embarking into this cultivation of both self and locs. I never thought I'd be here, but here I am. I have a lot to learn and hopefully as much to share. Please stop by my fotki and view my pictures and let me know your thoughts. Sending locs of love all around!!


Visit my fotki pictures.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

My Locks, My Locks, My Lovely Lady Locks....

Hi Everybody!!

I started my Sisterlocks adventure on December 1st and 2nd, 2007. With 4-6" of all natural hair, I already knew of the freedom of being away from the perms, curling irons, burned scalp and ears, and running away from the rain, but Sisterlocks have given me even more freedom; a freedom that I didn't know even existed.

My blog chronicles my hair adventure, but also my adventure through this thing called life. Stop on by and laugh with me or perhaps even cry with me. I hope that I can entertain, inform, and inspire you as we all enjoy this epitome of freedom!!

I am....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm finally part of the cool crowd....

me at 6 months

I learned of Sisterlocks by meeting Dr. Cornwell herself around 2003. I then began stalking the Sisterlocks website for about 4 years, and finally decided to take the plunge myself. I began my journey August 17, 2007 and have been enjoying every minute of it.
Please visit my blog at

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Knotsnlocks: Locks with my God Given Knots

UPDATE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
These two pics were taken 4.2.09
Locs are 3 yrs 11 months here

Greetings Fellow LocKers!
I am Knots and my journey to the liberating life of sisterlocks began 13 May 2005 and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my adult life. I began with 2 inches of new growth and shoulder length relaxed hair. I only wish I would have discovered this locking method sooner. This photo was taken 1 week before my 2.5 year mark.

Please visit my blog at

Friday, November 16, 2007

Natural Simplicity

Hello everyone...

I have been happily locked from October 2007 and am at the beginning of my new journey. I am loving my new look, feeling and general wellbeing! i decided to get locked after many years of hair abuse, one day whilst surfing the net I came across locks and after reading blogs on LHBE, viewing Fotki's and chatting to other members on a natural hair forum I decided that this was what i wanted to do.

Monday, October 29, 2007

It's been a year...

that I have been SisterLocked (10-10-06). I have had some interesting days and nights, especially this SUMMER. I told my consultant that I was eyeing my clippers like, "Good ole buddy, ole pal" :o). I am so glad that I decided to take this journey & I look forward to the journey ahead. Thank you all for the support and words of encouragement. BIG THANKS to you Maryee for creating this forum. Please visit my blog at:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sweet Ducky's Nappily Ever After

Hey Hey! So I started a new journey with braidlocks. Come join me in finding out if all be Nappily Ever After!

Please visit my blog at:

Sweet D

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Natural Hair Magazine

I just thought I'd promote this magazine for natural hair. Their site is very informative and entertaining too!
Naturally You! Magazine - The Natural Haircare & Lifestyle Magazine

Friday, October 12, 2007

My locs....

almost 8 months

freshly washed 2 months

*********above picture is 3.5 weeks sisterlocked************
It feels like I have gone through a hair make over, in a way I have. Recently I just had my sisterlocks installation completed, and I feel great. It was a 3 day process, 24 hours total. I have a phenomenal consultant! All I can do now is journey through this patient process. Along the way you can read about my ups and downs; feelings and emotions. I have researched sisterlooks for over a year now, and I made sure that it was a hair choice for me. I hair has always been naturally curly, and I felt like there was only two styles that I could wear (curly or straight). I lead an active lifestyle, and sisterlocks will give me the hair versatility that I oh so long for.

Check my blog out at:

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blessed with Sisterlocks

I am honored to be part of the Sisterlocks community, and quite recently, the blogging community. The LHBE was one of my first points of reference as I researched Sisterlocks and the inspiration I received here, as well as on LIU, is what has made my SLs journey what it is today. To say I'm delighted with my Sisterlocks would be an understatement. True, I've had a twinge of drama here and there (coloring too soon, sometimes wishing I'd cut off all of my relaxed length before starting SLs), but none of these dramatic moments have lasted very long. For the most part, I am carefree and lovin' it! And I have met the most incredible souls both online and off since beginning my journey on December 8, 2006. Sisterlocks have proved to be more than a positive change for the way I care for my hair, they've also brought good fortune to many other areas of my life. So come and visit my blog at keep up with my Blessed Journey.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Amba's Sisterlock Journey..From Africa to London to Atlanta..

I got my sisterlocks a year and a half behind my twin sister Ama, because I fell in love with them immediately I saw them.They were the answer to prayer. Over 2 decades of relaxers had left my hair lifeless. I had cut it and was keeping it natural with weaves and braids but knew they weren't a lasting solution. When Ama told me about her discovery of Sisterlocks, I knew this was it. I couldn't wait. We both took the consultant's training class together in 2003 in New York. At the same time I had my Sisterlocks put in then flew back home(it was Ghana then) to be the FIRST Sisterlocks consultant there. In the following years I have moved continents twice(from Africa to London and most recently to Atlanta, Ga) leaving behind many wonderful clients but looking forward to helping many new sisters and brothers here to "come home" to Sisterlocks. I have two natural daughters - 4 and 2. The 4-year old is Sisterlocked and my son has been promised Brotherlocks for his 12th birthday.(He's 10.5) if he's good. He asks me everyday. Please enjoy my journey which is being resumed as some of you may know.(Cross my heart, I will keep up!)

Labels: Sisterlocks 4 yrs, 5 mos

posted by Amba Saturday, Jan 11, 2008

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sisterlocks in Ghana

I'm Ama from Ghana. Sisterlocked in London in September 2002. I can't imagine life before and without them! I am a certified sisterlocks trainee (in Fall 2003) and maintain them myself unless my twin sister Amba is in town. As of this post, I have ten Ghanaian sisterlocks clients now so I am quite busy what with a full time job and an eight month old baby girl. Visit my Ghana sisterlocks blog where I (sporadically) post information and photos about sisterlocks in Ghana.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sisterlocks, Black Hair, Natural Hair, Dreadlocks Alternative, Fierce Hairstyles, Long Locks

i have not had my hair professionally retightened since i moved to Germany 2 years ago. I want the luxury of going to a consultant here to have my hair done within a day, on a regular basis. The closest consultants are in the Nederlands, France, England and Switzerland. That's possible if i have a reason to go to those places. Are there any Sisterlock sistahs in Germany, in particular Munich or Augsburg? I live in Donawörth which is 30 mins. by train to Augsburg and 1.5 hr by train to Munich. Any suggestions?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Singing in the Rain

I started my Sisterlock journey on December 28th 2005 and I haven't had a bad hair day since. I live in the Pacific Northwest where it rains more than the sun shines so having locks is the best decision for this climate. Whoever said....."Brown sugar melts"....didn't have Sisterlocks. Enjoy!
Please visit my blog at:

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Luvi's Sisterlocks Born on 09/09/2001, TX

Sisterlocked on September 9-10, 2001 by Genitha in Texas. I have taken the Sisterlocks consultants' training and I love working with hair.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Nappy Day

Happy Locaversary to me!

I've reached one year locked. Can't believe it's been a yr already. It's been an experience and you can see progress on my blog


Monday, August 20, 2007

Fee's Loc Journey

Hello, all! My name is Felisha and have been on this lock journey since Jan 28 2007. Prior to having locs I wore my hair in afros, twa's, brush cuts, puffs, twists, braids, press n curls, you name it I did it. After 3 years of abuse to my natural hair, I decided to embark on yet another journey; locs. I started my locs via coils and have enjoyed my journey thus far.  LocOn!!!

Grace and Peace,


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sisterlocks Convert

Hi All,

I am so pleased to be part of this blog. I have researched and over-researched sisterlocks and now finally have them, which is in part due to the influence of blog stories from the L.H.B.E.

I hail all the way from the U.K. and have had sisterlocks since 29th July 2007. Come and enjoy my blog as I have enjoyed yours!

Much Love
Sisterlocks Convert xxx

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Nappy Hair = Beautiful Hair

My name is Elizabeth and I've been Sisterlocked since February 28th 2007 and have never looked back! I love the versatility of my hair and the beauty my natural texture provides. This hairstyle fits my needs and personality perfectly! I have really enjoyed reading all of your blogs and sharing in your journeys. Feel free to drop by my page to see how I am doing and how my locks are progressing.

Friday, August 10, 2007


I started Haven a few years ago just for fun. My posts are about whatever I'm thinking about or want to share. Sisterlocks, popular culture, my experiences with Hurricane could be anything. Please visit my blog at:

Monday, August 06, 2007

Cashana's Musings on Hair and Life

Thanks Maryee for inviting me to join the Locked Hair Blog Exchange. This exchange has been very helpful to me and I hope to be able to return the favor. I was officially Sisterlocked on January 9, 2007 and all I can say is I am truly free. My blog is mostly about my hair, but I love to write so you may find some of my musing as well. Thanks for the welcome!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Stella's Hair Etc.

I love my Sisterlocks. I began my Sisterlocks with 6-8 inches of natural (un-processed) hair on October 2006.

This is the most freedom, versatility, comfort and ease I have ever experienced with my hair.

After years of searching, I have found a hairstyle that celebrates and compliments the beauty of my natural hair texture. I welcome you to check out my blog at as I experience each stage of my natural hair journey.

Peace and Blessings!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Mzcka hair journeeeey!!! 4 yr Update!!

Greetings all... just wanted to send a quick post to check out my updated blog as I celebrate 4 years w/ Sl's. Candace

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Locked and Living Free!

Hello Everyone, My name is Shawna a.k.a. Cocoanaps. I feel so blessed to be included in such an inspirational group of people. When I first discovered the LHBE I would visit it multiple times a day for information, ideas, and encouragement. Since then I have started Sisterlocks 2-8-07, rocked them for 6 months, and as of 7-29-07 decided to convert back to Traditional Locks my "First Love". Locking really is a journey of Self Discovery and it helps to have a few good guides along the way. Thank God and Maryee for the LHBE. Please visit my Blog Read, enjoy, leave a comment or two if you please. Be Blessed! Cocoanaps:)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I was so happy to run acrosss the blog exchange. I am honored to have joined the Sisterlock sisterhood on August 18,19, 2007. I found a wonderful consultant in Tucker, GA--Cia of KinkyAwakenings. So very excited to be starting this journey. Please stop by my blog and share the experience with me. Peace. http://WWW.PAYLAR.BLOGSPOT.COM

Monday, July 30, 2007

Locked since 11-2-06 & still counting!

hey!!! i'm part of so many different groups, i told myself i wouldn't join any more (only bcz i would start to forget passwords and such). but i've seen this L.H.B.E all over the place, i couldn't resist. i want to get in contact with other naturals and loc'ers & plus, this community is ever growing & i want to be a part of every minute of it.

i have three accounts (links at the bottom) that ch
ronicle my journey with locks, started on 11/02/2006. my first intention was to get sisterlocks, but due to the money issue & the fact that micro locks weren't for me, i opted for traditional locks. although i did go to the salon to get them started (with two strand twist), i maintain them myself mostly with the latchhook, and i periodically treat myself to the salon for a fresh palm roll. they are all different sizes & lengths & I love every minute of it (being natural in general) & at no time can i EVER see myself rockin a perm again in my life. i am a 19 year old girl and just like mentioned in her blog, i hope that i can be an inspiration to any other young black women to not let society judge them or label them & to not be afraid to step out & be different.

ok i'm tired of typing now, so please, just stop by my spot & show me love!

Baby Stages
Premature Teens
Mature Teens


Been Gone for a Minute now Im Back!!!! its been almost 3 years with my lovely sisterlocks!!!! Im 19 now, and a New Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated!!!! Ready to get share with the world this wonderful journey I've been on since July 12, 2007!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

January Hair Photos (its' getting bigger)

It has been a few months since I have posted pictures, I think as of this date I have been locked for 19 months. I am still enjoying my journey, my life has changed so dramatically since bringing my mother home. I haven't stopped to show my hair which still sometimes unravels..but I love it more everyday. thanks for stopping by.

Change has been very difficult for me through out my life until now. I love my much so that I want as many woman as I can influence to let go of the notion that it has to be permed in order to be pretty. Each stage has been beautiful to me, perhaps its just because I love me more now then I ever have. Please visit my blog at:
