Saturday, November 28, 2009


First of all thank you Maryee for welcoming me to the family of the Locked Hair Blog Exchange. I AM CELEBRATING MY SECOND INSTALL OF SISTERLOCKS!!! I am very pleased that I made the decision to go natural. And choosing sisterlocks has been THE best choice that I feel within my heart I could have made. The versatility you have with sisterlocks is very rewarding. Versatility is what most people enjoy about their hair. Just by going natural does not mean that it is something we can not enjoy. I have had every hairstyle, weave and haircolor you can think of, and it never felt like the...real me. Now I feel like this is home. I can enjoy the ocean's waves, windy days, stormy nights, brisk mornings, and the humidity of hot summer afternoons, all while not worrying about my hair. This is because I have allowed myself to completely embrace my beautiful, nappy, kinky hair. I have refused to strangle, whip, straighten, "correct", complain about, fry, dye and lay to the side the hair that God has blessed me/us with. I love it when they say, "I got free when I got locked up!" 'Nough said! Much love for everyone! Ignore the ignorance and naysayers! Remember it's a journey, so be patient my fellow butterflies. Lock on and Peace out!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Evie's Sisterlocks Journey

Evie - A Day in the Life...My journey to hair freedom!

Hello LHBE,

My name is Evie, and my Sisterlocks were installed on 11/20-21/09.  I am looking forward to this journey and I am delighted to join the Locked Hair Blog Exchange, thanks Maryee!  I hope my words will inspire, inform and maybe even give you something to smile about! 


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jhavia Nicole...Natural Haired Beauty

I knew that it would lead to this. What I mean is: I knew that locs were the destination in my natural hair journey. I stopped perming my hair in 2004, and I have not looked back since. But, it wasn't all great from there. From 2004 until summer 2009 I wore my hair in twists, braids, sew ins, wigs...I wasn't perming my hair, but I wasn't rocking it either. Summer 2009 I decided it was time for some changes. No more braids...I wore my hair OUT. In the past, the only time I wore my hair loose was in between styles, but after reading a few natural hair blogs I decided to quit the weave cold turkey. I have had good and bad hair days, but I am fortunate that I am truly getting to know MY hair.

I am loving this locking process! I know I haven't posted in a while...I have been really busy. I wanted to take a minute to tell you ladies and gentlemen what is going on with my hair. I must say that I love it! It is really fitting into my lifestyle. I will admit that there are times when I am not so pleased with my baby locs. But now I am more carefree. I don't stress over it, and I really just let my hair do its thing.

I will style my hair occasionally, but for the rest of the month I am not going to style it at all. I am going to focus on keeping it moisturized and let it be.

I will keep you posted on my hair. Check out my youtube channel for my update videos.

P.S.- My friend blogs with me as well; she recently did her big chop and is planning on locking her hair.

Monday, November 16, 2009

nicole is the new black

My hair story, like many, has been filled with numerous plots twists, a few villains, and a bit of danger.

I am a fotki veteran, having a web album documenting my hair for almost 8 years. I have maintained that album from the bluegrass of Lexington Kentucky, the Capitol heights of Washington DC, the flashing lights of London England and now from my current home in Berlin Germany. During my nappy years I have adorned lock puffs, traditional locs, a cropped fade and now sisterlocks. I know a bit about this natural hair thing :)

My blog and youtube channel not only focus on hair but touch on various aspects of my life.
I talk about dating, the trials and tribulation of being an overweight woman, my makeup whoring, being a Black American in Europe and a host of other things.

Join me as I live my life passionately in pursuit of my happily ever after.

My YouTube Channel - nicoleisthenewblack
My Fotki Album - novabeauty
My Blog - nicoleisthenewblack

Monday, November 09, 2009

Naturally Yours...

Greetings to all the Lovely and Locked out there...I am so excited to be apart of this forum and I can't wait to share my journey with all of you. I am truly motivated by looking at all of your blogs and I hope to do the same for others yet to visit LHBE.

I have decided to incorporate Sisterlocks into my lifestyle and so far, it's been completely worth the 22.5 hours it took to install. As of October 27, 2009, I have been on this exciting journey! I hope that as I face the peaks and valleys to come, I will gain insight, encouragement, and maybe a few laughs from all of you. I promise to provide the same. Until next time,

Naturally Yours...

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Yasu's #LocLuv

I have now been locked for 10 years! I started small sized ones, with finger coils, that I maintained by palm rolling the first year, and interlocking for years 2 & 3.

I then combined mine because I not only had a lot of locs, but the maintenance was time consuming. I have been palm rolling ever since. The frequency has changed to at least once a month or as needed/desired.

My locs are mature now, but I am in menopause and I have been ill a few times. Therefore, I free form often, to retain the strength of my locs. I have never been into perfect parts or edges for my own hair, but when I want to, I do take care to make them very neat.

Other than that, I keep my locs separated, so they don't marry, and I keep them clean, conditioned and palm rolled then styled into coils or crinkles.

I am pleased with my journey and have not yet felt the unction to cut them or take them down. So I am still #TeamLocs #LocLuv #LocNation #LocdUp

Also, check out my website The Kitchen Salon!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sexxi Sassy & Locked

Hey, My name is Marna and I hail from the wonderful beautiful city of San Francisco, California. You can checkout my blogged Sisterlocks journey (I am one month into it right now). I'd love to have some followers and I will in turn follow you. I am a mother, and an entrprenuer. My partner/cousin and I am launching a ladies tees line in the Spring 2010, so you;'ll get to see how my life unfolds and the joys of me having Sisterlocks and living life to the fullest!

Please visit my blog Sexxi Sassy & Locked today!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sister With Sexy Locks

Hello all,
Currently, I am residing in Sunny Southern California and I would love to meet up with any Loc Sisters near the SFV area. My Loc Anniversary is 8/9 and I have been enjoying the journey thus far. I am also looking forward to swinging my sexy long locks as I do my other love, Bellydance!!
I am excited to join this exchange especially since I stayed up endless nights browsing it before I had my very own Sisterlocks installed. I have been natural for over 6 years and I decided to go natural because I was tired of trying to force my kinks to lay down. It just wasn’t happening and I hated feeling self-conscious about looking like I needed a new perm when I just had it done only 2 weeks prior. I am so happy I made the decision to go natural knowing what I know now about relaxers.
Well with my hair natural, especially now having Sisterlocks, I can no longer be self-conscious because all I feel is free. Free to let my beautiful kinks be and even though this can sound cliché, I truly feel free to be ME!!

Perm Rod Curls

Styling using Soft Spikes @ 6months
Pipe cleaners 3 years

Please come on over and visit my blog and share your thoughts and advice.
Chat with you soon! You can also check out my videos and subscribe to my You Tube channel at

Friday, October 23, 2009

Braidlocks Down Under - 4 months In

My name is Yahvinah and I have been natural for the past 9 years.

I, like many others, never chose to get a perm, it just got given to me, and for many years I was trapped in the cycle of perming and thinning, and all of the other things that come with it. In 2000 I decided it was time to end it, I was sick of dealing with the lifestyle, and I have never looked back.

I have never been a high maintenance girl as far as my hair, and I have really been looking for something that is nice looking, and does not require the CONSTANT battle that my longer natural hair required. (I was not a fan of detangling).

Lets just say I had a COUPLE of Big Chops since 2000...

I have always been interested in locking, but never knew where to start, I always thought it would be too hard, and I knew free-forming wasn't for me. It didn't help that I relocated to Australia, not exactly a Mecca of Black Hair Care...

After a long distance obsession with Sisterlocks, I finally decided that going overseas to get them installed, and maintenance was not an option for me. But then I found out about braidlocks.

After LOTS of research, I decided braidlocks were the way for me to go. (I originally had a set of 2 strand twists, but I have since switched to braids) 15 hours and ~400 braids later, I was on my way. My braidlocks were created on the 29 September 2009.

I am not much of a product junky, but I do intend on finding out what works for my hair, and also what level of maintenance will allow me a balance of ease and manageability.

I hope this blog of my trials and errors, can help other aspiring braidlockers on their journeys, and perhaps make the transition a little bit easier.

Please feel free to visit me at LOCS DOWN UNDER to see where my journey takes me!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hello World

My name is Raxxie. My journey is slightly different from many naturals. I've been natural my whole life. As a child I was never allowed to have a perm though my mother had one and swore by it.

I wore braids (extensions) since before I was 6 years old. I can't even imagine how much money was spent to have people braid my hair till I learned to do it myself. Then I learned how to weave. Then I started pressing my hair. So, my hair was either weaved, pressed, or braided all the time. I NEVER left it in its natural state. That bothered me. Why did I have to hide my hair? At the end of 2007 I had almost completely lost my curl due to heat damage and decided to stop the madness. I treated it, and cared for it till I got sick of the straight ends and BCed December 2007.

At the end of 2009 I realized how often I had my hair in box braids and was getting sick of re-doing it all the time. Plus, I lusted after the beauty of dreadlocks and considered them a natural progression in my natural journey, so Oct 12/09 I installed my last set of braids. I'm currently into my locking journey and I LOVE it!

I'm a DIY type of person which is why I'm documenting my braidlock journey for other curious braidlockers! Feel free to come check me out:

You can also come and see my fotki:

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

From blonde curly tresses, to rockin golden locs!

17 months! My little fab locs have come a long way :-)

Hello everybody!!! I'm so excited to join this network and the rest of you on my loc journey! October 3, 2009 my 128 (I counted last night) baby interlocked locs were born over a 12 hour period thanks to my good friend!

I've been relaxer free since the latter part of 05 and didn't fully embrace wearing my curls until Summer 07 - what took me so long! As my hair started to grow and I experimented with different product and hairstyles, I always found myself having hair envy when I saw someone with a beautiful head of locs!

At the beginning of this summer, I decided that I would loc my hair up at the end of the summer. I thought this would be an easy process, but I was wrong. I did lots of research on different ways to begin locs and decided on tiny braids. With my hair being so fine, I figured that would be the only way to start them - I was wrong! 3 days after I did a test set of five locs, my braids unraveled! Ok, back to the drawing board.

Someone mentioned sisterlocks, but I wasn't in the mood to pay for that. I finally ran into someone who started their locs via interlocking and tried a few on my head and realized this was the way to go!

I am going to be keeping track of my new journey on my blog From Fab Curls to Rockin Locs



Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just Me & My Hair

Hello All my name is Francesca,
I have enjoyed my Sisterlocks ride since July 07 & am looking forward to all that my locks will turn into ;0) I went natural because I NEEDED a healthily change for my hair. Before going natural I have used chemicals from age 12-33. NO MORE with a SMILE.

I am enjoying my life as a Wife & a Mom, quality time w/ my husband, daughter, family & friends. I am getting my personal health/weight under control w/ honest Healthy Living. I am staying activity by meeting new friends & re-connecting w/ honest friends who are looking to do the same with me.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm finnally me!

My name is Monica. I been natural since 2007. My loc anniversary is August 08. I have also started locing my two daughters hair in August 09. THIS JOURNEY HAS CHANGED MY LIFE SO MUCH. It has healed me in a way, made me really know how to truly love me.

I PALM ROLL. I maintain me and my girls hair and in a way it brings us a little closer. Please visit my blog at

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Third Time's the Charm

Hey, everyone! I'm blog as Eesha at and I'm excited to rejoin this locked community! I'm growing my third (and hopefully final) set of locs - Sisterlocks this time. My blog chronicles this new journey, my daughters' latched locs that I maintain myself and my other nappy ramblings. My 300 Sisterlocks were installed June 13-14, 2009, and I am in love with them.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

MzMotiv8on Has Arrived!

Hello All! I am Roneshia from the lovely Detroit, MI. I have always been a fan of locks but was too afraid to get them. Afraid Of what people will think of me or how I would be accepted. That all changed the summer of 2008 at a friends party when a young girl entered the room with the most beautiful head of locks I have ever seen on a person. As I interrogated her she informed me that they were sisterlocks and suggested that I stop perming my hair. I did and I haven't looked back since. So here I am a year later. My beautiful sisterlocks were installed on 8-25-2009 and I will never forget it. Come follow me on my motiv8on for true beauty. Much love and God Bless.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sisterlocked and Lovin' Every minute

Hello Everyone,
My Sisterlock instalation date was February 2007. My install took 18 loooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggggg hours. Looking back it was worth every minute! Prior to my loc journey tried short hair cuts, braids, two-strand twists, name it. I have finally found true happiness with my locs. This blog will detail my personal journey. I look forward to sharing my experiences. Feel free to check out my blog and ask questions or post comments. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Lovin' Locks: Her Final Sisterlocks Journey

Greetings fellow locked sistren and kudos to you Maryee for providing this forum. I am excited to be on this my last locking journey.   After several tries at traditional locks via single-strand twists and one stab at Sisterlocks - come join me on  my final Sisterlocks journey!

Initial birth date:  7-15-2009
Locks:  Less than 275
Soft Spikes Roller Set

I love the look of manicured, traditional locks; however, the whole twist, wash, come loose, retwist, wash, come loose is too much for me.  In the past I put any and everything in my soft, loose wave hair to "get it to lock".  I just couldn't subscribe to the "don't wash your hair for six months" philosophy.  No way, that's just nasty so I went through months and months (did I say months) of the "twist, wash, come loose".

One of the sisters in my congregation used to ask me about locking as she admired my "twists-to-locks" as I affectionately called them since my hair hadn't actually locked up.  She went to a loctitian and commenced cultivating hers.  Now they are shoulder length and doin' what they do!  I found myself staring at her during the meetings thinking "I want locks!".  To fast forward this story I decided due to the texture of my hair I would go the Sisterlocks route to achieving fierce dreads.  The concept of being able to roll and style them held no fascination for me (like I said I LOVE traditional locks-the look, the size, everything); but being able to wash my hair early on is what attracted me to Sisterlocks.
My cousin says I look like a terrorist in this photo, cracked me UP!

Thanks to empowering sites on the WWW like LHBE I am able to be encouraged and educate myself about locking in general and Sisterlocks in particular.   I look forward to learrning how to take care of my own hair as I have never been big on paying other folks to do my hair.   Shortly after the first install attempt (7/09) I had every intention of taking the Consultant class in ATL this December.   However, I have also been looking at and contemplating the Nappy Locks Business Kit.  I might as well keep it real, I will be purchasing it in about 7 hours when I awaken for this day.

The latest:  I am still in "install" phase for my Sisterlocks.  Read my blog  and you'll see why.  This has got to be THE longest Sisterlocks install in history. 

Since July my hair has been cut minimally 6", I've dyed it dark brown to light, to lighter, to something else, then came to my senses and back to black.  So, my locks do not look like the photos here.  I DO miss my white hair.  But, good news, I already see white peeking through at the roots.  YESSS!!!!!  I can't wait 'til it grows back.  ;-)


Lovin' Locks

Lovin' Locks with her handcrafted Lock Tie

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Loc'n Remix!!!

Hello All!!
I’m Ivy from Texas. I have been natural since 2001 and loc’d since 2002. September 2009 marked my 7th year anniversary with traditional locks. I have loved every moment of my natural hair journey. When I initially decided to loc my hair, I really wanted sisterlocks™, but I was unable to find someone in Houston for consultation. So here I am 7 years later still obsessed with sisterlocks™. So what have I decided to do? I have decided to make a transition from traditional locs to sisterlocks™. If you would like to be a witness to this new adventure stop by my blog and show some love. I would like to thank all of you who are blogging because it has been an extreme blessing to me. I want to return the favor and be a blessing to someone else. Peace!

Monday, August 31, 2009

My sisterlocks Journey in Photos ........
This photo represents my feeble attempt to curl the thicker locks. As you see, the curls are fewer, less dense, they separate and they don't last. I attempted to curl them much tighter than they appear here. This photo was taken before I took out the first 2 rows of locks and adding a little color. In the next photo, my first two rows are new locks. (Locks were picked out and replaced - a long tedious process.)
This photo was taken after my crown locks were combined. I took out the top two rows of about 5 "combined" locks and replaced them with about 13 new thinner locks. At the top, I no longer have the fullness shown in photos below.

What I enjoyed most about my locks was the ability to wear my hair forward. My top locks were thin and there were many giving me great styling flexibility.

View my blog:

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Loc'd and Loving It!

Hi all!
I started my locs and maintained them myself. No professional or anyone to really guide me. Therefore, I have learned a lot! I get a lot of compliments on my hair and talk to people until I'm out of breath about how to upkeep their locs. Well, there are times where I felt I was missing something or left out a few details. It didn't dawn on me until now (July 2009) to write a blog. So here I am… To write about something that I am passionate about: my lovely locs. December 2009 marks the three years on my journey!

Tips on loc maintenance and styles:
About me:
About my Journey:

The sidebar under “categories” are links to my other blogs regarding that subject. I welcome you and your comments to my blog and hopefully start a wonderful friendship with you!

*Pictures of my journey are at:
*You can follow me at my blogspot page:
*The links will just lead you to my main blogsite at Wordpress. In return, I will follow you. This is my thanks for visiting my blog. (^_^)
*YouTube Subscription Channel:
*I'm also on Twitter:

Monday, August 03, 2009

My Nappy Narration!!

(my babies are short, so I generally wear them like this, freestyle or with an ouchless headband)

When I first decided to wear my hair natural it was just a random thought. I didn't appreciate or like my natural hair. I thought it was difficult, damaged, and most of all unacceptable for me to be seen in public in such a way. In the end my whimsical decision to "go natural" turned into a journey that continues to grow into something more profound.
In April 2010 I will be celebrating my loc'd anniversary!! I am appreciating each part of my journey from the frizzies to the little buds. Blogging is becoming such a great way for me to document my journey and connect with other ppl with loc'd hair, I am one of two women in my entire family with locs so the feedback and sense of community here helps alot! Check out my blog,
I am definitely at the phase where encouragement and advice is welcomed with opened arms!!!

Thanks 2 all and enjoy your journey! :-)