Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lizrouse- Loc'ed and loving it!

Hi everyone!

I loved what I've been reading from all the folks on their hair journeys. I've been loc'ed since 2001. I finally rid myself of the last of my relaxed hair probably 8-10 years ago (I'm not sure anymore). Just wanted to comment and express my appreciation. Wish there had been more of this when I was making the journey by myself. Thanks best wishes to all those hair-journeying.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Hello everyone its me Locizm...

with a new name and blog, Kinky Awakenings. Its been a while but I'm back. Yes, I did the delete the blog by accident thing. Someone please tell me why that delete button is at that location???

I am a Sisterlock Consultant Trainee who is meticulous about her work. Based out of Tucker, Georgia serving Metro Atlanta and Beyond. Stopping by to show some love to my fellow sisters-in-locs. Peace

Lock Venture

Hi. I'm so eggsited about being about a part of this blog family. I've been without a perm for almost 3 years and Sisterlocked for 8 months. I chose Sisterlocks after blog stalkin for several months and it has proved to be one of the best choices I've made in life. Let me testify a minute. See, I used to praise the perm and how it would bring my naps into submission and bondage. Little did I know at the time it was doing the same thing to my mind. Now I don't knock the perm for those who chose do it; I'm just glad that I've learned to accept the hair my Designer/Creator gave me. I marvel at His handiwork and how unique it is!

Chosen Vessel's Sisterlock Pilgrimage. Enjoy the slide-show.
I decided in 2002 that I wanted to wear my hair natural. I began to research my options and found out about Sisterlocks from a friend who has beautiful locks. On July 15, 2003 my wonderful loctician put my Sisterlocks in and I have been happy with my hair ever since. I can't stress enough how wearing locks has changed me in so many ways. It has increased my love for ALL OF ME because I must admit, I was beginning to detest my permed hair and all of its expensive problems :) But I look in the mirror now and SHOUT HALLELUJAH I AM FREE!!!!
Chosen Vessel

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Visit Montgomerygirl's Fotki Album

I am 29, married with a four year old daughter. My official SL bday is 10/16/06... :) Yay me... Since 2001, I have wanted to lock my hair but was afraid because of what my family may think or what people at work may think or do. But I have finally come out of my shell and gotten rid of everyone else's opinions thoughts and have decided to go with what I have always wanted to do (of course I wanted to get my hubby's approval as well as talk to the Lord before I did it. )

I am a stay at homeschooling mom (the Lord allowed that) and loving life :)

Thanks for stoppin' by and checkin' out my fotki... :) I think they are the coolest thing since sliced bread.. :)

God Bless...


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

SisterLocked and Free!!!

Hi everybody!! I had my SLocks installed on October 30th-31st, 2006.   I know I've been off the radar for a minute, but I'm back now with a vengeance (and some new photos of my SLocks)! I've been through a lot during these past 3+ years, and would love to share those highs and lows with you.

Please feel free to drop by and leave comments. You can also link to my blog, if you like.

Smooches, Cassie

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sisterlocks: Look I am a beautiful butterfly...

Hello everyone! I have been in a natural hair cocoon for seven years. I researched Sisterlocks for three long years and I finally took the plunge in October. I am so glad that I did! Like most, I started this blog to chronicle my hair journey. Unexpectedly, I have been so pleased with the support and warm wishes I have received from this community. I have read and re-read so many of the blogs listed here and want to thank Maryee for putting this together!


Friday, November 03, 2006

My personal journey with Sisterlocks

I'm so glad to be part of this growing family and be amongst the many women who realize and accept the beauty of their natural hair. Take a moment to visit my corner, browse through, leave a comment, ask a question, but most importantly, enjoy your visit.
