Saturday, November 18, 2006

Visit Montgomerygirl's Fotki Album

I am 29, married with a four year old daughter. My official SL bday is 10/16/06... :) Yay me... Since 2001, I have wanted to lock my hair but was afraid because of what my family may think or what people at work may think or do. But I have finally come out of my shell and gotten rid of everyone else's opinions thoughts and have decided to go with what I have always wanted to do (of course I wanted to get my hubby's approval as well as talk to the Lord before I did it. )

I am a stay at homeschooling mom (the Lord allowed that) and loving life :)

Thanks for stoppin' by and checkin' out my fotki... :) I think they are the coolest thing since sliced bread.. :)

God Bless...



  1. I heard that u and DJ jumped the broom? How are DJ and baby girl as well as your mother in law Toni? Have you seen or heard from Deidra and Philip? If so tell them I said HI and to email me. Stay in tuch and keep lovin ya Sisterlocks. Also, who installed yours? Elaine Hill did mine.

  2. Elaine Hill did mine too !!! She is soo sweet. :) Don't get to see much of Deidra and Phillip is in school. Where I couldn't tell you.. ;) I will be sure to tell my mama in law you said hello :)We are doing good. God is indeed good.. :)
