Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Year in Hair-RastagalNJ

I am ending the year with a collage of my loc styles of 2006...Have a Healthy, Happy, Prosperous New Year.

Grace and Peace to you my fellow sojourners in locdom. I am so happy to be welcomed into the Locked Hair Blog Exchange. My loc journey began almost 10 years ago, it was an instant attraction but a slow acceptance of what was the inevitable. I am loving every day of being locked and can't imagine why I took so long to make the transition. Share with me as I chronicle my journey into the kingdom of natural hair as well as the story of how I became "The Jamerican Loc Diva known as rastagalNJ. Click on the title to read my story and you can visit my online photo albums at http://public.fotki.com/rastagalNJ


***Update-6-20-07*** I have been locked for almost 11 years now, I started my locs from comb coils that a friend did and have not looked back since. I maintain my locs by washing when I feel the need (sometimes weekly, sometimes longer stretches LOL), and when I do twist, I only finger twist the roots with a mix of honey, olive oil and aloe vera gel. Lately I have been letting them do their own thing, so I haven't retwisted in a few months. I also have stopped using products on my locs except some oil every now and then. My locs seem to be happier without all the stuff I use to put in them.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Natraleefree's Dreadlock Journey

Ok ladies, I finally updated by blog.........come check out my pics! ;0)
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lizrouse- Loc'ed and loving it!

Hi everyone!

I loved what I've been reading from all the folks on their hair journeys. I've been loc'ed since 2001. I finally rid myself of the last of my relaxed hair probably 8-10 years ago (I'm not sure anymore). Just wanted to comment and express my appreciation. Wish there had been more of this when I was making the journey by myself. Thanks best wishes to all those hair-journeying.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Hello everyone its me Locizm...

with a new name and blog, Kinky Awakenings. Its been a while but I'm back. Yes, I did the delete the blog by accident thing. Someone please tell me why that delete button is at that location???

I am a Sisterlock Consultant Trainee who is meticulous about her work. Based out of Tucker, Georgia serving Metro Atlanta and Beyond. Stopping by to show some love to my fellow sisters-in-locs. Peace

Lock Venture

Hi. I'm so eggsited about being about a part of this blog family. I've been without a perm for almost 3 years and Sisterlocked for 8 months. I chose Sisterlocks after blog stalkin for several months and it has proved to be one of the best choices I've made in life. Let me testify a minute. See, I used to praise the perm and how it would bring my naps into submission and bondage. Little did I know at the time it was doing the same thing to my mind. Now I don't knock the perm for those who chose do it; I'm just glad that I've learned to accept the hair my Designer/Creator gave me. I marvel at His handiwork and how unique it is!


Chosen Vessel's Sisterlock Pilgrimage. Enjoy the slide-show.
I decided in 2002 that I wanted to wear my hair natural. I began to research my options and found out about Sisterlocks from a friend who has beautiful locks. On July 15, 2003 my wonderful loctician put my Sisterlocks in and I have been happy with my hair ever since. I can't stress enough how wearing locks has changed me in so many ways. It has increased my love for ALL OF ME because I must admit, I was beginning to detest my permed hair and all of its expensive problems :) But I look in the mirror now and SHOUT HALLELUJAH I AM FREE!!!!
Chosen Vessel

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Visit Montgomerygirl's Fotki Album

I am 29, married with a four year old daughter. My official SL bday is 10/16/06... :) Yay me... Since 2001, I have wanted to lock my hair but was afraid because of what my family may think or what people at work may think or do. But I have finally come out of my shell and gotten rid of everyone else's opinions thoughts and have decided to go with what I have always wanted to do (of course I wanted to get my hubby's approval as well as talk to the Lord before I did it. )

I am a stay at homeschooling mom (the Lord allowed that) and loving life :)

Thanks for stoppin' by and checkin' out my fotki... :) I think they are the coolest thing since sliced bread.. :)

God Bless...


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

SisterLocked and Free!!!

Hi everybody!! I had my SLocks installed on October 30th-31st, 2006.   I know I've been off the radar for a minute, but I'm back now with a vengeance (and some new photos of my SLocks)! I've been through a lot during these past 3+ years, and would love to share those highs and lows with you.

Please feel free to drop by and leave comments. You can also link to my blog, if you like.

Smooches, Cassie

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sisterlocks: Look I am a beautiful butterfly...

Hello everyone! I have been in a natural hair cocoon for seven years. I researched Sisterlocks for three long years and I finally took the plunge in October. I am so glad that I did! Like most, I started this blog to chronicle my hair journey. Unexpectedly, I have been so pleased with the support and warm wishes I have received from this community. I have read and re-read so many of the blogs listed here and want to thank Maryee for putting this together!


Friday, November 03, 2006

My personal journey with Sisterlocks

I'm so glad to be part of this growing family and be amongst the many women who realize and accept the beauty of their natural hair. Take a moment to visit my corner, browse through, leave a comment, ask a question, but most importantly, enjoy your visit.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Get Caught In The Act

Hi everyone! I never would have imagined that I’d think of anything to share with others, much less something they’d want to actually read! However, as I’ve come to realize from this wonderful group of women (and men), sharing a little piece of your life based on our mutual love of lockdom has been stimulating. Even though I’ve had my SLs for more than 6 years now, I’ve learned so much from reading others’ blogs and I’ve had useful information that helped someone else along their journey. Thanks, Maryee, for putting this all in one place!


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lovin' My Locks, Sisterlocks That Is...

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog as I go through my hair journey with Sisterlocks. This journey is my personal expression of my hair and how my hair has or will evolve over time. Thanks for stopping by, set a spell, leave a comment if you plez. Yall, come back now, hear.


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Be Inspired!! Part 2

I haven't seen Thierry Baptiste's website in a while. I think it was about a year or so ago. Please visit the website. You will be pleased!

Be Inspired!!!

Silky Locs to make your mouth water!!! Styles for men as well!! Check out some creative bridal styles. They are out of the UK. Boy does Locs for Life know how to do it! Enjoy!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ritagirl's Braidlocs

Formerly 2stressed_but_blessed. I'm dealing with things differently in my life...
After years of chemical straighteners, the dreaded curl, more straighteners, then making the decision to go natural... only to lose it all in 2004 to chemo. Once it grew back I started the braidlocs in March 2006, let's watch & see where this journey takes me!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

guess who's comin' to dinner........

blessins, and i'd like to thank maryee for kindly inviting me to join this site. it's a sincere pleasure. i have to be honest tho, as i wonder aloud if she's doing so just to get some more "male presence" here. i was looking at all the lovely sistas already participating, but still wondering where are the other brothas? *laffs* just kidding, of course!

but seriously, those of u who are already familiar with me know that i'm pretty "old school", in that my experiences with dreadlocks and their maintenance are limited to what was going on 15 years ago or more, and i like to keep it very simple. i was hesitant to participate here initially because i know some of my views might run counter to those of others on this site, and i don't want to ruffle any feathers or make anyone feel like i'm disrespecting them. but having been invited again to be a member here, i have decided that tho there is a wealth of information on many ways to initiate and cultivate locks, my blog will offer insight into the "older ways" to grow them. maryee speaks on wanting participants only who will have no "negative vybes", and i agree with that whole-heartedly, and it's my wish that none of my posts will come off as such. just please keep in mind 2 things when reading my blog: 1) i'm a MALE and we tend to be wired a bit differently than the fairer-sex, and 2) i'm an OLD DREAD, set in his OLD WAYS. *laffs* i know that my thoughts and words won't be apt for everyone, but i'm hoping i can learn from being here, and someone can also learn from my presence too.

anyway, thanks again for welcoming me here, and peace an' blessins to u all, guidance everytime.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

KRB Natural Hair's Blog

I have been Sisterlocked for3 years and I love my locs. I wish I had found Sisterlocks years ago. I decided to learn to do Sisterlocks after I had mine installed because there weren't that many people in my area that were certified. I am working on my way to become certified and am trying to spread the Sisterlock love...


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sisterlock Adoration!

Hi All,

I've been meaning to post on this great exchange for a while, but I'm just getting an opportunity to do so. I was Sisterlocked on Aug. 31, 2006 by Gigi in the DFW area and am loving my hair.

I started a blog to share my journey and have received great feedback from my new SL family. Special shout-out to Maryee for creating the exchange. Feel free to link to my blog, and share any thoughts if you visit. I love hearing from you and visiting all your blogs as well.

Warmest regards,


sunsail's Sisterlocks

Mazel Tov!

Hi Everyone,

I've been Sisterlocked for two years now and I'm still loving it!

Thanks Maryee for such a fabulous idea! That the LHBE is still going strong is a testament to the need we had in our community.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, I'm not Jewish. ;)



Friday, September 22, 2006

Brown ButtahFly's Locs

Hello my name is V . First I want to thank all the members here for providing their story it is such an inspiration and I am thankful to be apart of this blog community. I finally decided to come to my senses and became natural in 2005, however it was my husband who encouraged me to lock up. I didn't lock up right away because I wanted to find something that was right for me. When I found out about SisterLocks I fell in love. I loved their size, the versatility and most important the overall look. So I started my journey in June 2006 and I've been loving it ever since. I want to specially invite you to come along with me during my journey. Hope you enjoy!

Come Visit My Fotki Album
Come Visit My Blog

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Lovin' my Locs - Onyxcherry

I had natural hair most of my life until I got a relaxer during my sophomore year in college. After going through the grow-perm-cut cycle two times I knew it was time to make a change. In December 2005 I made the decision to never relax my hair again. This blog is about my journey with Sisterlocks. I started this blog because when I was researching Sisterlocks reading the blogs of other women who had made the journey before me was an integral part of my decision making process. It is an honor to be on this exchange.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Drea's Sisterlock Journey

Greetings!! I am a newly Sisterlock'ed sister! I thank you all for your inspirational words. Seeing that there are women out there who have truly 'walked in my shoes' has helped make this transition so easy for me! If interested, please visit my blog - Drea's Sisterlock Blog to check on my progress so far. Feel free to post comments! I'm still in the need of guidance in this process, but I know that I'm surrounded by a fantastic support system, so I have no worries!


Saturday, July 22, 2006

My Real Hair

Check out my Sisterlock Journey. I've been S/L'd since August 13, 2004. It has been a great experience and I have no regrets.


Friday, July 21, 2006

Visit Haitian_Hunny's Lock Journey

I celebrated my one year lociversary in January of 2007 and I'm still in love with this journey! I have and continue to learn more and more about myself and my hair. The locking process has been the catalyst to change different aspects of my life and live healthier in general. I have been organizing monthly 'Nappy Gatherings' in the MD/DC/VA area for almost a year now as a means to bring natural and transitioning sisters together for support, encouragement, knowledge, and friendship. I have met some of the most beautiful and positive women through this venture.
I look forward to what is yet to come with my natural hair journey. I still see changes in my hair although it's mature and it gets more and more beautiful. I encourage anyone that's considering locking their hair to go ahead and take the plunge. You won't regret it, I promise (smile)!
Inspirations and continued blessings,

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Journey Continues...

"I'm amazed how quickly time passes! I'm a little over my 2-year mark and couldn't be happier with the changes I see going on with my Sisterlocks. It's been a very interesting journey to say the least, a journey filled with all types of emotions that range from happiness to questioning if I made the right choice with the decision to Sisterlock my hair. I can finally say that without a doubt I made the right decision".

Sisterlocked 1-20-05

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

With these my locs, I be wed

Loc Statement By Dreadlocdcutie:

I used to see people with locs and go, "man those look icky" or " man that is too much hair and I just KNOW its hot in the summer." For years, I have often asked myself what I would do with my hair if i ever got tired of wearing braids and perms and weaves. I started to see more and more people with locs and they looked beautiful, healthy, clean, and well maintained. I grew tired of holding my arms above my very thick mane of hair applying microbraid after microbraid to my already thick mane of hair. I got tired of the chemicals and then came the biggest shock..... my gyn doctor said I had to have a hysterectomy at age 28 and here I am only now 29. Yes, I have children so that was no worry but of course this was gonna bring about a change in my life and so i decided to do a complete reinvention of me inside and out. Before surgery I got the courage to go to the barber shop and have him cut all the perm off my hair and leave me with my nature texture no matter what the remaining length was. I ended up with a teeny weeny afro (TWA we call it in NY, lol) I had surgery and I received so many compliments about my short naturalism and I grew to love me even more. I got my comb coils installed on Aug 6th 2005 and only went back to learn how to wash and retwist and what to use and not use. After month 1 I have been maintaining it myself. I love to color my hair and that is my disease, lol (color in loc disease) but I have learned that over the 9 months of watching my locs change, I love them so much and the funny thing is I have had alot of people ask if I have Sisterlocks because of the shape, size and texture of my locs. I take that question as a compliment to Sisterlocks, freedom of naturalism, and freedom of spirituality. I have learned to love and adjust to my locs much like my life. Thru my loc journey I am now pleased to say that my two daughters Angelica age 12 has decided to have locs so I started her jouney with braidlocz, and my 11 yr old daughter Miya, has asked me to cut the relaxer off her ends and do traditional locs and palm roll like mine. She has been loc'd for two months thus far. So, with this my locs, I be wed the journey of love, life and spirituality and marriage to my beautiful locs.

Please visit Dreadlocdcutie's photo blog.

I wanted to also share my daughter Miya's loc journey with you. Please click here to see her progress!

Friday, April 28, 2006

naadiiheadz hair blog has moved!

Hello to everyone out there in the natural hair blogosphere!

i just wanted to let y'all know that i have moved my blog.
the naadiiheadz hair blog can now be found at http://www.naadiiheadz.blogspot.com
if you were a subscriber to my old blog or had a link to my blog from yours, please update your links (much appreciated)!

i am a traditional locker (10 years in the game) with an emphasis on holistic hair care/least damaging alternatives for natural hair. i've got a science background and i love to learn and spread the knowledge.

come take a trip down nappy lane!


Friday, April 21, 2006

You Loc Lovely

Sisterlocked since 2005, I am also a Sisterlock Practitioner. Loving my locs, my journey, and life in general.

For more on my Sisterlock experience, please visit my blog www.thechocolata.blogspot.com
or my website www.YouLocLovely.com

Peace and blessings!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Funmilocks-Free Holiday Shipping on Orders $50.00 or more

I am offering free shipping on all personal care items so feel free to stock up on whipped body butters, body oils, pure shea butter, natural soaps and more for the holidays!!

I have been Sl'd for 26 months. My hair texture is thin and not very dense. Sisterlocks have given my natural hair a great boost by making it appear thicker and fuller. I'm looking forward to seeing how long my locks will grow over the next couple of years. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Salkis' Sisterlocks

Sisterlocks is the best system for locking hair I'll be happy to service you. Call me today! My name is Salkis 478-501-7836

Also, you can go to my fotki album to view more pics.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Never any regrets!!

I guess I might be considered a veteran...... I have been locking my hair for a little over 12 years now. I would definitely not consider myself an expert but I suppose I have a few thoughts to share..... On hair and a few other things!

Check me out at
Living Life with Charisma!

A big shout out to Brunsli who got me doing this blog thing in the first place. I can't promise that I will post as often as she does but I will do my best!

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Please visit
The Bend of My Hair - A Celebration of the Sisterlock Journey

Space Rider's Traditional Locks

Hi, I have traditional locs which were started Oct 05. It was the best thing I ever did to my hair and I should have done it years earlier. My youngest daughter who was 5 at the time also wanted locs so I started hers July 06.

Please visit my
Fotki Album or my blog at http://camlo2k.blogspot.com/

Friday, February 17, 2006

Lameena's locs

What I love about locs: I love being natural, love the carefree nature of locs, their texture, their individuality.

Visit my fotki album.