Hello! I'm Kimberly and my sisterlock birthday was January 15-17, 2010. Sisterlocks were my blessing when I came to the crossroads of wanting to be natural, wanting to be locked, but also wanting to be active (running). I've been running for over a decade so any hairstyle I chose whould have to accommodate that.
I have been natural since February 28, 2007. One day I got up and had my then-boyfriend/barber shave my short, relaxed cut right off - no transition necessary! From then until January 2009, I kept my hair shaved low. In 2009, I grew my hair into a 'fro. October 2009 was when I decided to try to start locks by coils. It wasn't practical for my active lifestyle, and lack of time. So in November, I uncoiled my hair and scheduled my sisterlock installation with the excellent Danielle.
Please follow my little journey at http://thelionessandhermane.blogspot.com/ - and there are bits about skin health, getting a doctorate, career, and my life. I'd just adore some followers and please take a look at those that I follow - they were incredibly inspirational for me.
Be well, be blessed!
The LHBE is simply a place where locked bloggers who have informative, photo filled journeys of their lock "process" can be found. Bloggers here have positive, but real stories of their journeys, some from day 1. It is meant to be a central location where many blog stories focusing on locks, be they Traditional, Freeform, Sisterlocks, Braidlocs, Palm Roll, Two-strand Twisted, etc. are easily located. Enjoy the journey stories. Do not copy photos without owner's permission.